
Here’s how brands can lean into the economic power of 50+ Americans — and why they should
By William Charnock and Brian Martin
Those in the 50+ demographic are dominant purchasers of higher-value products such as cars, travel, healthcare, home goods, financial services, fashion and entertainment. Surprisingly, for those who believe that targeting younger audiences will lead older audiences to follow along, in higher-value categories, it can be the other way around. The combination of purchasing power, influence over younger audiences, and a strong sense of what's important makes the 50+ age cohort incredibly valuable to brands seeking growth.

Why Marketers Neglect People 50 and Older for Gen Z — And How Ad Leaders Are Trying to Change That
By Jack Neff, Ad Age
You probably won’t read this story. It’s not about Gen Z but the 50-plus market, a demo most of you don’t care about—but should. Since the Mad Men days, when the Don Drapers of the world aggressively pursued young people inside and outside agency walls, the ad industry has been obsessed with youth.

Five0 Consulting Launches to Help Companies Navigate the Burgeoning Over-50 Market
Little Black Book
America’s marketing culture has long depended on demographic waves of young adults to fuel growth. As a result, marketing to mature consumers has often been an afterthought, with stereotypes about older people deeply entrenched.